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This personal waterfall shows you all of ChongYew's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I disagree with you. All the things you argued states that all these are due to addiction but, it is our fault rather than technologies' fault as technology does not make us addicted,violent or be inactive in sports.It is actually our fault as we always have a choice in whatever decision we make.We can choose to be sporty, not addicted to computer games, not to be violent and not to spend excessive time on our handphones and computers .

But we chose to be addicted and we choose what kind of people we want to be.

Thus, i conclude that technology is more boon than a bane to society.

1 point

Zhenyuan I disagree with you.A person would only develop myopia ,as you said, if they use their phones and computers excessive , if a person knows how to control their excessive needs, we would be able to decrease our chances of wearing spectacles and we may even not wear spectacles!A person would only spend less time with family if they are addicted but if they manage their time properly,they can still choose to spend time with their family.

A person is only inactive in sports because he/she is addiced to gaming but the person can also choose to exercise if he/she wants too. All these are just whether you want to choose to do it or not.The not concentrating on studies point is also due to the person being too addicted , it is not technologies' fault but it is our fault as we allow ourselves to be addicted!

A person is violent only when he/she wants to imitate the fighting styles of the characters in the violent game.Technology has also brought us a lot of benefits like increasing food production too.

Therefore, i agree that technology is more boon than bane to society.

2 points

I disagree, Damien.I think that if you are careful on the internet, you would not get cyber bullied or e scamed by someone.We should not blame technology for this as it is because of human behaviour that cyber bullying occurs and it is because of greediness that people would resort to scamming.

i feel that we also should not blame technology for the human error and dangers as if humans are more careful and learn to care more about maintanance, transport would be safe. The advance in military weapons are also just a precaution if war comes. If the world is at peace and no one tries to sow discord and start a war, the weapons would not be needed at all.

2 points

Technology is more of a boon than a bane as it is because of technology that the world is getting more modernised and everything is getting more convenient.

It makes everything convenient, an example is cooking, now that technology is improved we can use a gas stove or even an electric stove to cook!There is no need to cook spend long hours just to cook a dish now.Mobile phones are now seen in pocket size and has many functions nowadays as this is the result of the improvement of technology too.The invention of mobile phones also makes communiation so easy saving us the trouble of travelling to a far place just to chat with a person! If technology did not improve, we would still be using the big and heavy old mobile phones.

Therefore, I agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane.

(Chia Chong Yew, 2E5)

2 points

Technology is more of a boon than a bane as it is because of technology that the world is getting more modernised and everything is getting more convenient.

It makes everything convenient, an example is cooking, now that technology is improved we can use a gas stove or even an electric stove to cook!There is no need to cook spend long hours just to cook a dish now.Mobile phones are now seen in pocket size and has many functions nowadays as this is the result of the improvement of technology too.The invention of mobile phones also makes communiation so easy saving us the trouble of travelling to a far place just to chat with a person! If technology did not improve, we would still be using the big and heavy old mobile phones.

Therefore, I agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane.

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