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Kyle71's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kyle71's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Even though technology has brought about many conviences to our soicety, it has also resulted in many more,far more complicated problems.For example, the Internet may allow people to connect with others from the other side of the world, it also makes the user prone to many other dangers such as cyber-bullying and scams when buying online goods. This comprimises the users saftey as well as the saftey of others.

Other forms of technology such as military weapons and advanced transportation are also examples. Modern military weapons and machinery may win wars, but in the wrong hands,can lead to mass destruction.The transportations in modern days are able to accomedate more passengers, providing efficiency and convience.However, as technology in transportation gets increasingly more complicated, the risk of human error or overseen dangers increase.

-4 points

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