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1 point

I disagree with you. Technology made great changes to people and their lives. Despite the dangers of technology that you have mentioned, like cyber-bullying and creation of military weapons, i think that the victim that is bullied can just block the people that bully him/her, or just deactivate his/her account. They do not have to suffer from those insulting words. As you said that military weapons when in the wrong hands, will lead to mass destruction, however, countries are now peaceful, therefore i believe that there will not be wars happening.(in my opinion) Advanced transportations sure has risks, but without them, people will have to walk all around the big place, could we assume that people will not ever have risks in walking. Therefore i disagree with ur statement as i think technology still has more advantages to disadvantages.

2 points

Point: I agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society. There are many kinds of technology and they have benefited people lives in many ways. They also bring convenient to people, allowing them to travel to other places. One of the technology that affected us alot is medical technology.

Elaborate: Medical technology brought changes to our lives as the better the medical health care is, the death rates decreases. Compared to lives before and to less developed countries, we had better medical care and our death rate is lower than theirs.

Evidence: An example to support my point is that people that suffer from diabetes, now have access to very accurate blood glucose monitoring technologies, allowing them to control their condition effectively. Therefore, reducing the risk of suffering the common but debilitating complications of diabetes, such as blindness and peripheral nerve damage.

Link: Since medical technology had such a big influence on the society, hence, i believe that technology is more of a boon than a bane, as there are more advantages than disadvantages to having technology.

Owen Lee Rui Jie 2e5

1 point

Point: I agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society. There are many kinds of technology and they have benefited people lives in many ways. They also bring convenient to people, allowing them to travel to other places. One of the technology that affected us alot is medical technology.

Elaborate: Medical technology brought changes to our lives as the better the medical health care is, the death rates decreases. Compared to lives before and to less developed countries, we had better medical care and our death rate is lower than theirs.

Evidence: An example to support my point is that people that suffer from diabetes, now have access to very accurate blood glucose monitoring technologies, allowing them to control their condition effectively. Therefore, reducing the risk of suffering the common but debilitating complications of diabetes, such as blindness and peripheral nerve damage.

Link: Since medical technology had such a big influence on the society, hence, i believe that technology is more of a boon than a bane, as there are more advantages than disadvantages to having technology.

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