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1 point

It has helped us a lot, like I've said. However, what I am trying to point out is not how much technology has helped us, but how much it will AFFECT us if it were to fail us one day. It is already clear that we humans have come to live comfortably with technology and we can rely on it for anything annd everything.

Another thing is, because of the fierce competition in the economy, every company is trying to constantly improving on their products to make it more superior than the olde ones. Why keep improving when it is already good enough? By doing this, we are practically flushing our resources down the toilet bowl. Which is why, technology is NOT more of a boon than a bane to society.

1 point

Indeed it has helped improve the world a lot. It is also because of this point, that we humans have come to depend on technology so much. Think, if all of technology were to fail us one day, how are we going to carry on with life? By then, we would have already gotten used to technology doing all the work for us and we would have forgotten a human value called 'Independence'.

1 point

Yes children still go outside and play, but not as much as when before technology became so advanced. In the past, I see children having fun outside all the time. Now, I only see children almost as young as toddlers holding on to their iPads! Even if we do not have the guts to talk to our friends about something, we shouldn't rely on technology to help us do the job. I'm not saying we shouldn't rely on technology, but it has to be to a certain extent, no? Also, you have to agree that the percentage of obese people in the world is increasing.

1 point

However, because of the creation of technology, humans have changed. They compete with each other in the makings of technology and for the sake of victory, they use underhanded means to accomplish their goals. Technology has clouded their mind. They make technology not for us people but for the sake of money. Also, humans never use technology constructively. For example, social networking sites. If we use them constructively, it means we know how to limit ourselves when using them. But do we? Once we go on Facebook or Tweeter, we stay there for couple of hours without doing anything constructive. We simply stare at the computer screen doing absolutely nothing. Sure, we do chat with our friends, but why not do it face to face? Because of social networking sites, we no longer interact with our friends as much in real life. We talk to each other through the computer screen.

For technology to be boon, it has to be used safely and constructively, that I agree. But no, we humans do just the opposite. We use it for cyber bullying, for scamming people online and such. There is no safety at all.

I do not agree that food production and personal amusement has got anything to do with weapons. Do you mind clarifying this?

2 points

The consequences of bullying are short and long term and cover a wide range of severity. At the beginning of bullying, the self esteem of the victim is hit very hard. The victim feels guilty and confused at the same time, trying to figure out why this is happening to them. As it continues, social skills begin to fade away even more and depression starts to set in. If no help is found or if the bullying isn’t even noticed, more severe consequences start to surface. Not so much in middle school, but in the beginning of high school, victims may drop out of school all together. In the most severe cases, suicide is considered and eventually carried out. In the long run, many bullying victims fail to thrive in adulthood: they distrust relationships, are fearful, experience isolation and have difficulties standing up for themselves.

It is the fault of us humans that such things occur and technology is here to worsen the problem. How is this a boon to society?

1 point

Cyber bullying takes place because there is technology. Cyber bullying is far worse than normal bullying as the victim has no idea who is the perpetrator behind the screen. Don't you see how people are even depending on technology to do absurd things like bullying?

1 point

Because of such refined technology, we are always in our comfort zone as I have said and we will grow to depend on technology. I am not saying it is wrong to depend on technology, but we are depending on it way too much. Do you want to rely on technology until you become like the people in WALL-E? Riding on chairs instead of walking and becoming fat?

1 point

True, it is not technology's fault, but us humans' fault. However, technology has made us stay within our comfort zone for too long, and hence, we no longer depend on ourselves anymore. We rely on technology for many things and also, it is messing up our morals. People get tempted to do things online that they normally wouldn't do. If you had to choose between living a longer life without any human values or living a shorter life but is filled with things that are meaningful in life, which one would you prefer?

1 point

True, it is not technology's fault, but us humans' fault. However, technology has made us stay within our comfort zone for too long, and hence, we no longer depend on ourselves anymore. We rely on technology for many things and also, it is messing up our morals. People get tempted to do things online that they normally wouldn't do. If you had to choose between living a longer life without any human values or living a shorter life but is filled with things that are meaningful in life, which one would you prefer?

1 point

Social networking sites like acebook can be very addictive for its members. Once you stay connected with friends, you will realize how often you login for another chat and discover what other members are doing. Some people know the drawbacks of Facebook but cannot help staying connected with old friends who they haven’t seen in years. All this will certainly make you addicted to Facebook and will stop you from deleting your account.

Many hours may also pass and you could have done something more important than using Facebook. Several members of social networking sites actually use them throughout the day and night without any sense at all.

The best way is to connect with people face to face.

1 point

However, because of technology, we do not make friends and interact as much anymore. We communicate through social networking sites or messaging instead. What happened to human values? As someone had once said, "Don't text my heart."

1 point

Technology may have improved the world a lot, but it has also made us humans lazy because of all the conveniences. We no longer work as hard as before because life has been made simple. Factories that are responsible for the making of all these technology has harmed nature's balance with all the pollution and such. Because of that, we have global warming and the future generation of people will have to carry the burden of cleaning up the mess we, the current generation had created. Also, if they were to fail, that would mean the end of mankind.

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