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Phoebelim's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Phoebelim's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I disagree with your stand as although technology did bring harm to us, it brought us many advantages which indeed benifited our lives. If there was no technology, you would not be able to use the computer to write a rebuttal. Do u agree? As what you had said,"The Internet may allow people to connect with others from the other side of the world, but it also makes the user prone to many other dangers such as cyber-bullying and scams when buying online goods. This comprimises the users saftey as well as the safety of others." However, I feel that it is not because of technology that endangers people to be cyber bullied but it is because of the people who misuse it. The misuse of computer by the people wiill then endanger people to be cyber bullied and not because of technology that computer was invented. We can practice good cyber wellness skills online and cyber bullying will be less likely to occur. Furthermore, as you said, "Modern military weapons and machinery may win wars, but in the wrong hands,can lead to mass destruction". Military machines are created just to keep oneself save when war comes. If there is no war, military machines will not be used. Therefore, it is humans which create war and trouble while technology cannot be blamed. Lastly i believe that it is not because of technology that transportation gets more complicated which the risk of human error or overseen dangers increase. It is mostly because of human, and we can be more careful with the equipment and we will not be harm. Thus, i disagree with your stand.

2 points

I do agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society. Although technology had allowed people to misuse it such as by cyber bullying, technology have indeed help us more than it bringing us harm. The pace of life have increased thanks to technology. Communication is quick, travel is fast, movement is easy, interaction has sped up and so has life. Things that once took hours to complete, can be done in seconds now. The discovery of electricity gave the world light during night. If not for technology, it would be darkness everywhere at night. Today, electricity can be generated through various means because of technology. It has been channeled to every small household in the world. We would be able to use renewable sources like hydro power, solar and wind energy to generate electricity because of technology too. Therefore, I agree that technology is more of a boon than bane in society as it has helped us in many ways such as generating electricity throughout the world.

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