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Themgurl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Themgurl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Technology revolutionizes the way we live, in an overall positive way. Along the years, technology have provided us with numerous platforms for us to enhance our way of life. It automates tedious and laborious chores such as washing clothes, mopping the floor and climbing the stairs. Obviously, these give us ease and comfort in our lives as we no longer need to dedicate ourselves to these jobs, allowing us to have a more carefree and less tiring life, significantly improving our quality of life. Although it would be unfair to disagree technology threatens our job security, it does however, serves to displace low skilled workers and shift them towards higher skilled industries. By automating simple, yet tedious jobs, it replaces many of these low-skilled workers, forcing them to upgrade and improve themselves to fit in a higher skilled industry. This also means they enjoy better wages, allowing them to have a better and more comfortable life, hence certainly improving their lives.In such a case, technology is more of a boon than a bane to society, considering the overall effect it has on society.

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