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RSS Bhuvanesh

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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

You only mentioned the right side of the "technology" coin: what about all what you ignored? I do not think this theme to be too complicated to be discussed on a web-site, but surely if you had to mantain an idea about technology you should have, at least, taken into account all the aspects; only secondly, you would analyse the one you prefer, in order to be the more objective possible. This is a criticism i could elaborate to anyone on this debate, and more generally, on this site. It lacks in reasoning, in fact most people answer questions without having fully understood the answer, emphasysing the favourite aspect of technology, ingoring the others. What about the technology used by armies, and nations? And, not to be so drastic, do you really think internet and whatever medical technology are totally "good"? It all improves humanity? Why? Simply because it helps us to live longer? Baudelaire, unfortunately famous exclusively for his poems, once said why should we all live longer? Why telephones, telegraphs? This question has even more sense if you wonder about the conditions in which we all live today: we ignore ourselves, often we kill, we exploit eachother. But we are all proud to have discovered the cure to a specific disease: oh that's right the point. We all needed it.

3 points

Although Violence can bring harm. Do you think without having those guns we will be safe? Even without technology, there is still violence like punching, kicking etc.

Since technology was born, it has helped human in many ways like health, science and even socially.

0 points

Yes, I do agree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society.Technology has evolved over the years and revolutionized our lives.There are many types of technology like information technology, biotechnology and medical technology. One of the most influential technologies is medical technology.

Medical technology is the application of science and technology to improve the management of health conditions.It has contributed greatly to the society as it can save lives and increase chances for patients to survive their ordeal. Technology in the medical field has allowed individuals with chronic illness to have productive and healthier lives. These individuals can now lead independent lives without any need for physical, emotional and financial support. Advanced medical aids also enables patients to continue recovery at home reducing their hospital stay and at the same time saving money on hospital bills.

An example of medical technology that has benefited lives is the treatment for of cardiovascular disease, the use of coronary stents - artificial tubes used in cases of coronary heart disease to keep the arteries open – have halved the number of those dying from heart attacks or suffering from heart failure. Patients with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) – a small device implanted for those at risk of sudden cardiac death – now have a 98% chance of surviving a cardiac arrest, compared to only 5% without the implantable device. In addition, the minimally-invasive surgical techniques which are now used to treat aneurysms can mean a recovery time of around four weeks, compared to over a year for older procedures.

In conclusion i think that technology helps us alot and without it life would br too hard.


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